Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Britt L.

Ohhhhh Brittany. Britt is this extremely outgoing, beautiful, silly, active, inspiring, hard working woman who I was lucky enough to befriend in Mr. Larose's grade 10 math class. She is another who I'm convinced can make friends with anyone. When I was home, my sister-in-law and I took one of her barre classes and I couldn't really feel my body the next day; I wish I could be a regular. I would without a doubt recommend taking one of Britt's classes if you're looking for a good workout and phenomenal instructor. Check out her Facebook page here, give it a like, and go get your butt kicked! She's also one of my favourite people to have copious amounts of sushi and wine with. I secretly wish she could teach me to dance. A woman of many talents to say the least!

Where are you from and where are you now?
I am from Barrie, ON and here I am back living in Barrie, ON!

What goals are you working towards and what keeps you motivated?
Right now I am working towards many different goals. Health goals, personal goals, and career goals. I am lucky that I have chosen a career where those categories often combine.  One personal goal of mine is to help rescue and foster shelter dogs. I have a very strong passion for pups, and this is something that is very close to my heart. My health and career goals also often collide. I am working towards building my business, Barre Essentials, by becoming more involved in  Barrie’s fitness community. I want to be known as Barrie’s go to gal for Barre and Pilates. I am also working towards finding BALANCE among all the things I would like to accomplish. And always working towards LEARNING more to become the best teacher I can be for my clients and dancers. One of my favourite quotes I’ve been using lately is “Once you think you know everything, you know nothing”.

What does confidence mean to you?
Confidence to me means being true to yourself and what you believe in, taking risks, and being unapologetic for who you are. There is no one in this world that can be a better version of you than yourself.

Where does your confidence come from?
My confidence comes from my passions in life, goal crushing achievements, and the people I choose to surround myself with. Staying driven and true to myself gives me purpose and meaning that I don’t have to prove to anyone but myself, and that gives me confidence.

What do you love about yourself?
         a) Mentally? 
I’m hilarious… lol. I feel my sense of humour and silliness often comes in handy for the field of work I am in. It makes others feel relaxed and comfortable!

         b) Physically? 
I love my hair :)

        c) Emotionally? 
My sensitive nature. I may have shed a tear or two talking about my dog, or listening to a song, or reading a message from someone important. I love hard for those who have left an imprint on my heart. Sometimes it can be embarrassing, but I often celebrate it and just poke fun at myself.

What is one of your greatest accomplishments?
One of my greatest accomplishments is something that is ongoing. I feel so privileged to live a life where I get to inspire and motivate others to achieve their fitness and dance goals. It is the most rewarding feeling when someone acknowledges you for making a positive change and difference in their life. Being a dance instructor for kids anywhere from 3 - 18 years old and knowing that I have helped them reach a goal, or have had a meaningful impact on their life in the studio, means the world to me.

Do you find you compare yourself to others often?

I do, and more than ever I am becoming more aware of it. I preach self love to my dance students, fitness clients, friends, and family. We are all doing our own things, at our own time for a reason. I have been better at being real and asking myself why the heck am I comparing myself; is there something I am unhappy with? If so, how can I change it?

What is something in your life that you have had to overcome, or that you are working to overcome?
As I said earlier, I am working to find balance. I need to learn to exercise my right to say “No”. I am often concerned with working as much as I can, to gain as much experience as possible. But then I find myself physically exhausted and wishing for more hours in a day!

What always makes you feel better?

Lincoln. Lincoln is my 1 year old rescue pup that is honestly my life. I’m obsessed. It’s a problem, but I don’t care. Nothing feels better than coming home from a long day to Lincoln waiting to greet me at the door with a nice slobbery smooch. Moving also makes me feel
better, too. I always feel refreshed and energized after taking a class that someone else is teaching. And Chocolate… duh.

Is there anything about yourself- mentally, physically, or emotionally that you would like to improve?

I would love to improve on my creativeness as a choreographer. I often use the word “innovative”, and I am constantly thinking of new ways to visually blow people's minds!

What is one of your insecurities?

My skin! I suffer from psoriasis, and it can seriously be such a pain in the ass!

How do you deal with jealousy?
I try to learn from my jealousy; once I admit to myself and acknowledge that I could actually be jealous that is, lol. What is causing me to feel jealous? How can I overcome it or is there something I can actively do to alleviate this feeling? Or just let it goooooooo…. “Bye, Felicia!”

Do you feel pressured by societal norms for your life to turn out a certain way?
I definitely have in the past. At age 17, I had a plan that I was going to go away to school to get my degree in Linguistics and Cognitive Science. Then I would move to NYC to do my Masters in Speech Pathology, graduate, marry my high school boyfriend, and live happily ever after. I am SO happy that didn’t happen, but at that time I felt the need to meet the expectation to get a traditional education, get married and start a family. I am so thankful that my experiences have lead me in this direction. That route may make certain people very happy, and successful. For myself, not so much. There is no particular way anyone should feel expected to live their lives. Follow your gut feeling and trust the timing of your life.

Who has helped shape who you are?

I know this going to sound vague, but I truly believe every person you encounter in your life shapes the person you are at this moment. The good relationships, and the bad. The small moments, and the big ones. From my family, to friends, to dance teachers and coaches, to my students and even people who come in and out of your life in the matter of hours. They have all affected me, and helped shape me into the type of individual I am, and who I am striving to be.

What is the most important part of a romantic relationship?
COMMUNICATION. TRUST. FUN. Love is simple, don’t complicate it by not doing those things!

What are three things you are grateful for today?
To have the ability to share my love for movement with members of my community, and for it to be a stable and steady thing.

Long term friendships with those who have been in my life since my adolescent years! I love that I have close friends all over the world, doing great things, and still when we get together we can pick up exactly where we left off.

The forever supportive crew of people I surround myself with, who constantly challenge me to be the best I can be!

What book should I read and why?
You are a Badass by Jen Sincero. This is a how-to book… which I normally feel strange about. BUT, it is refreshingly funny with some great advice on how to quit doubting yourself and make all your bad ass dreams come true.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Amanda H.

Amanda is another one of my sisters from another mister. She is my oldest brother's baby momma, and a beautiful, strong woman who has had an incredibly amazing impact on his life. We met at Pearson International Airport in September 2015, right after I got off the plane from Seoul for a visit home. Due to living abroad the entire time they have been together, I've only had the pleasure being in the same room as her a handful of times. One of the last times I saw her she gave birth to my very first nephew (like a champ, btw)! She has overcome some unimaginable hardships, and is such a strong, wise, incredible woman full of faith and love. I couldn't be happier that she and her two beautiful children have joined our family, making my brother the happiest I have ever seen him, and bringing another little bean into the world.

Where are you from and where are you now?
I was born in Scarborough Ontario. I lived there until I was 10. The neighborhood I lived in wasn't that great so my parents decided to move us to Newmarket. That's where I considered myself 'growing up'. When I was 19 I bought a house in a little town north of Newmarket called Belle Ewart. I've been here ever since and I love it.

What goals are you working towards and what keeps you motivated?
Goals? So many, but one of my biggest is my house. I've lived here for 16 years. When I bought it, it was a fixer upper, and all these years later it still is. Although, I'm forever grateful that its a roof over my family's heads and the mortgage is manageable, I see a bathroom that needs to be ripped out, a roof that needs replacing, walls that need siding etc. My motivation is Jeffrey. He moved in a year and a half ago. Where I see 'too much work and money' or 'a burden', he sees opportunity. Together we've already done so much and I feel better knowing we're in this together.

Where does your confidence come from?
My confidence comes from being sure of my decisions and not backing down or answering to anyone who disagrees. I used to be really unsure of myself and fearful of what others thought of me. Today, when I make a decision and people don't agree, I don't lose sleep over it. I'm confident in myself and the choices that I make for myself AND the people I'm responsible for.

What do you love about yourself?
         a) Mentally?
The voices in my head used to drive me crazy. My own insecurities would keep me from truly being myself. Through a lot of personal growth my confidence is much better and I feel like I have more control over my thoughts

        b) Physically?
I think my smile is my best feature. To be more than honest, after having kids my boobs (which weren't big to begin with) were destroyed. I got implants and it was money well spent!

       c) Emotionally?
Well, lol. That's a tough one. I've gone up and down over the years. These days I would consider myself 'emotionally strong' but very empathetic. I'm able to confidently show my emotions and feel for others but I'm strong enough to not let them get the better of me.

What is one of your greatest accomplishments?
Only ONE? I have to give 3. Trinity, Timothy, and JJ.

Do you find you compare yourself to others often?
I used to. Not anymore. I try not to judge others and because I'm not judgmental I have no need to compare.

What is something in your life that you have had to overcome, or that you are working to overcome?
Alcoholism. My name is Amanda and I'm an alcoholic. By the grace of God I've been sober since August 15th 2014. I wouldn't consider it something that I've overcome but more something that I recover from on a daily basis. I am constantly doing the work, practicing steps, and working a program to stay sober one day at a time.

What always makes you feel better?
God. I have an incredible relationship with God. No matter how bad things have ever gotten, its nothing that my faith hasn't gotten me through. Also, cheesecake. Cheesecake makes me feel better.

Is there anything about yourself- mentally, physically, or emotionally that you would like to improve?
I guess there's always room for improvement. Although I'm quite satisfied in where I am emotionally, physically and mentally there are some improvements I work towards. Sometimes I get taken advantage of because I'm kind and empathetic. I feel perhaps I could be more mentally aware of those who don't feel the way I do. Physically? I just had a baby so there are a few pounds I want to lose but its OK... It'll happen in time.

What is one of your insecurities?
My biggest insecurity these days is wondering if I'm doing a good enough job raising my kids. JJ is easy, he's only 4 months old. Tim is 9 and I think I do OK there too. Trinity is 12.... Ugh! My mother warned me about this age. I see a lot of myself in her and it scares me. In my efforts to raise an independent, responsible, emotionally stable young woman, I feel some days like I'm doing it all wrong. I want to give her freedom, but not too much. I want to teach her responsibility, but I don't want to put too much on her plate. I want her to be secure with herself but how can I do that when this world is so judgmental? I have to be her parent first and her friend second but its a hard line in the sand between both. Any mom of a (pre) teen girl knows the struggle and I know I'm not alone. But damn it’s a struggle.

How do you deal with jealousy?
I think I'm lucky in the sense that I'm not a jealous person. I never really have been. Sometimes I get a little jealous of beautiful girls but it’s not overwhelming. We all struggle with something and as much as someone else might have something I want, I have something that someone else wants... We all fight our own battles. I practice gratitude every day. When I'm grateful for things I have, I forget about the things I don't have.

Do you feel pressured by societal norms for your life to turn out a certain way?
Not usually. I feel like I'm on the path God chose for me. Normal or not (by societal standards) its how its supposed to be. I can say however, that I do feel pressure as a parent to raise my kids a certain way. I feel like their behavior (good and bad) is a reflection of how I raise them and society is constantly judging me for it. There's 'pressure' there.

Who has helped shape who you are?
Lots of people have shaped me into who I am. My parents of course. Mom is strong, the matriarch of our family and as the oldest female in my family I try to be as strong, helpful, firm, and wise as her. My dad is the hardest working man I know. There's no man on Earth that I love more. I aspire to have his work ethic and dedication to take care of my own family the way he always has. Also, growing up my best friends mom Sue Kiefer. She had one daughter (Amy <3) but raised a herd of us. She was the 'coolest' mom around. We all called her Ma. Without us even knowing it, she taught us amazing values that I keep with me today. Self respect, dignity, the '6 week rule' (which I won't explain, lol). She was there for each and every one of us girls during our formative teenage years and I'm forever grateful to her for it.

What is the most important part of a romantic relationship?
I can honestly say that these days Jeff and I don't have much 'romance' in our relationship. This is something that is perfectly OK and normal right now and I need to explain why. We have a 4 month old that sleeps in our room. The 9 months prior to JJ being born I was sore, tired.... No... Exhausted, and cranky. Kudos to him for not pushing the issue. It takes a very unselfish man to put his woman first (all the time) and I have nothing but love for him. When he and I made a decision to be together he didn't just take 'me' on but also my two kids. I can't imagine what that's like but he's always worked hard for all of us and never treated trinity and timothy any different than his own flesh and blood. There's nothing sexier than a man who puts you and the children first... And the romance is there but in a different way than people might think. Romance doesn't have to be candle lit dinners, hand holding on the beach, and making love all night. Sometimes it’s when he gets up with the baby and makes sure the coffee is made when I get up from my sleep in.

What are three things you are grateful for today?
If I have to just pick 3, it would have to be God, sobriety, and family/friends in that order because without the first, I wouldn't have the next.

What book should I read and why?
Hands down my answer is Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom. It’s a classic. One of the most inspiring novels I've ever read and I feel like a better person for reading it. The same author also wrote The 5 People You Meet in Heaven. It’s a great book too.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Lisa P.

Lisa and I met in grade 5, and became great friends over the years of elementary school. I have so many memories of spending days lazing in the sun at her cottage on Bob Lake, skinny dipping late at night, and singing our hearts out to songs from 'The Lizzie McGuire Movie'. One night in grade 9 we decided to sneak out solely for the purpose of going for a walk around the neighborhood (our parents didn't believe us either... but it's true!). We left the screen off the window upon our return, which her dad noticed while cutting the grass the following morning... and the rest is history. Woops. Like so many of the amazing women featured on here, Lisa comes from an incredible family full of strength and courage. Lisa has always been full of confidence in herself and love for those around her. So, without further ado...

Where are you from and where are you now?
I am originally from Barrie, and have lived in Hamilton since 2009.

What goals are you working towards and what keeps you motivated?
While completing a Bachelor of Science degree at McMaster University (2009-2013), I began experiencing increasingly troublesome digestive issues. My body started changing in ways that I simply could not comprehend. As a gym employee, and fitness enthusiast, I had been healthy and happy with a body fat percentage around 25%. However, within 6 months of developing these digestive problems, I had lost 10% of my total body fat, and was experiencing the effects extreme fatigue, joint pain, and nutritional deficiencies on a daily basis. 

In the several years that followed this transition, I was prodded, poked, and continually doubted of my condition, which led to both anxiety and depression, all while trying to complete my degree. And then it happened; the world finally made sense…I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease.

Today, I am proud to say that not only have I obtained my Bachelor of Science with honours from McMaster (and a teachable minor in French!), but also am continuing my education to work towards my goal of helping others with Crohn’s Disease as a Registered Dietician of Canada (prospected: April 2017).

There was a point in my life where I was dealing with chronic pain, yet receiving a lack of support from medical professionals. My goal in life is to ensure no child, adolescent, or young adult ever feels alone in a battle with food, digestion, or the health care system. So let’s eat!

What does confidence mean to you?
Confidence is simply a love for the self. It is standing up for your beliefs regardless of ridicule. It is appreciating your body for all it can do, rather than its restrictions. It is accepting that imperfection is beauty, and that our ‘all’ is always good enough. Finally, confidence means loving yourself in order to let others love you too.

Where does your confidence come from?
Although confidence ultimately stems from within, I do believe that the way in which we come to perceive ourselves is highly influenced by those around us - confidence is malleable. Therefore, I think my parents developed my confidence as a young child, which was then influenced by others as I grew up.

However, now, as a young adult, my confidence seems to be directly correlated to the successes and failures I experience in my life. For example, when I reach for goals, and achieve them, I feel confident. Yet, when I perceive myself as having failed, my confidence shifts. In all reality, this is likely the result of a school system that defines a student’s success by a number, and compares students on a regular basis.

What do you love about yourself?
a) Mentally? 
Fortitude - Life doesn’t always turn out the way we planned; in fact, it rarely does! Momma Pope always used to tell me: “When one thing breaks, three things end up breaking. Brace for the storm!” Fortunately, or unfortunately, Momma is always right! 

You see, (1) gorgeous Momma Pope was diagnosed with stage III HER-II breast cancer in November 2014…then (2) six weeks later, my maternal grandmother passed away… and (3) well there’s always a third right?…My sister, a 28 year old mother to two beautiful baby boys was diagnosed with stage IV Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in June of 2015. 

Life doesn’t always turn out the way we planned, but how we choose to adapt to these situations is what defines our fortitude. Ultimately, I decided that I too would fight alongside my mom and sis, battling to complete my nutrition degree throughout their treatments. Although there have been many bumps in this road (e.g.: deferred examinations, dropped courses, extended graduation dates), I continue to fight daily, and am prospected to finally graduate this coming April.

“And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed. 98 and ¾ percent guaranteed!”

b) Physically? 
I admittedly love that I am small enough to fit into children’s sized clothing and shoes; thumbs up pricing for the starving university student of 7 years!

c) Emotionally? 
My empathy and ability to understand others is my strongest emotional asset. The reality is that life is not easy; and I get it! I will not impart judgment on your choices, and I will provide emotional support/advice if ever sought after.

“If you were me, and I were you, for just a day, or may two, then maybe you, and maybe me, could see the me that you were too.”

What is one of your greatest accomplishments?
Inline image 1
Do you find you compare yourself to others often?
All of the time; not because I want to, but because I have to…the school system has done a wonderful job in making all of us very good at this skill!

What is something in your life that you have had to overcome, or that you are working to overcome?

Accepting that your loved ones are suffering, and yet having zero control to improve their situations.

What always makes you feel better?
Bear hugs…and cheesecake (> slices = > happy)

Is there anything about yourself- mentally, physically, or emotionally that you would like to improve?
(1)    Self-doubt/ the negative impacts of judgment from others
(2)    Achieving goals set by my personal wants and needs, not those set by the expectations of others

What is one of your insecurities?
I will not find a long-term romantic partner because I am ‘diseased’.

How do you deal with jealousy?
I am very self-aware, and naturally compare myself to others. So I try my best to avoid social media when I am mindlessly browsing the net to curb any potential jealousy of others. 

Do you feel pressured by societal norms for your life to turn out a certain way?
Absolutely! I am a single 26-year old female, with no kids, and seemingly no career. Society pressures me on a daily basis to feel that I am not where I ‘should’ be in life. Yet, I feel as though I am exactly where I should be, and precisely where I want to be. The way I see it, if you don’t live in my shoes for 24-hours out of each day, then you have no right to judge the choices I make on my own path to success. I define my timeline; and I define my experience…and in the end, I feel like I might just turn out okay!

Who has helped shape who you are?
(1) My parents
(2) My exchange partners/parents - an understanding of different cultural/social norms has  influenced how I see the world
(3) Friends close to home and far away - backpacking/humanitarian work/volunteering

What is the most important part of a romantic relationship?
Finding a partner who truly believes you are perfect in all of your imperfections. This requires compromise, compassion, and acceptance.
“If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best”

What are three things you are grateful for today?
(1) Cancer treatments
(2) Family
(3) Disabled washrooms - An invisible illness, is still an illness!

What book should I read and why?

Oh the place’s you’ll go - Dr. Seuss
The road to success will have some bumps…but it’s much easier to accept when read in rhyme! 

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Kaylie W.

Kaylie and I met in high school; I think when I really got to know her more was in our grade 11 leadership class. Kaylie has this contagious laugh, and she laughs a lot. Unfortunately the year I decided to pick up and move to the other side of the world was when many of my friends decided to make the move to Toronto; Kaylie being one of them. You know those people who are just... so cool? That's Kaylie. I just see her as being a super cool, chilled, fun, happy chick. Not to mention logical and comfortable in her own skin. She's someone who is always fun to hang out with, has a great sense of humor, and has this great little dog called... Little Dog.

Where are you from and where are you now?
Where are you now? Do you ever think of me, in the quiet, in the crowd? …
^ I’m going to Mumford tonight, so it’s clearly on my mind.
I grew up in Barrie, ON. From there I moved to Vancouver, BC for about 4 years, and
I relocated to Toronto in 2014.

What goals are you working towards and what keeps you motivated?
I want to continue learning and expanding in every way possible. There are so many things I want to see and experience, so I guess it depends day to day what my motivation may be. I’m very self-competitive and have high standards for myself, so that continues to drive me.

What does confidence mean to you?
Focusing on your own personal standards of becoming the best version of yourself, and reflecting that out into the world.

Where does your confidence come from?
My irreplaceable network of friends and family. I am so fortunate to have some of the most unique, intelligent (insert every respectable adjective here) and confident people in my life. My relationships are the glue that hold me together and inspire my confidence.

What do you love about yourself?
a) Mentally?
My ability to find humour in almost every situation and I like to believe I’ve become fairly rational and balanced in most aspects of my life.

b) Physically?
My eyes, legs and butt (is it appropriate to say that?)

c) Emotionally?
I’m not an overtly emotional person – I can still be a complete hormonal mess at times, but I try to make a conscious effort to recognize a situation for what it is, and react carefully. I have developed a pretty strong resiliency, because no matter the case, you’re never able to fully control what life may throw your way.

What is one of your greatest accomplishments?
Hmm, this is a hard one. I’ve had the opportunity to experience and be part of many amazing things, but I can’t really pinpoint something in particular.

Do you find you compare yourself to others often?
Yes. With social media and seeing other peoples (often edited) lives it’s hard not to. It’s impossible to avoid self-comparison in our culture, and it’s easy to forget that perfect photos aren’t equivalent to a perfect life. Although, travelling the world on a yacht doesn’t seem like the worst thing.

What is something in your life that you have had to overcome, or that you are
working to overcome?
Seeing people close to me go through unjust hardships. It’s a struggle for me to accept that good people can get dealt shit luck. I do my best to see the silver lining, but when there is no reason or rationality, I don’t always deal well.

What always makes you feel better?
Little Dog, live music, adventures, a good laugh…

Is there anything about yourself- mentally, physically, or emotionally that you
would like to improve?
Absolutely, there’s always room for improvement. I’m constantly working on taking each thing as it is, without over thinking or over complicating.

What is one of your insecurities?
Showing vulnerability/asking for help.

How do you deal with jealousy?
I think that goes with learning to manage your emotions: taking a step back, and trying to detach from it …or I just repress it.

Do you feel pressured by societal norms for your life to turn out a certain way?
It’s nice to live in a city/time here there is a pretty widespread acceptance about people’s lives not necessarily fitting into perfectly packaged boxes. That being said, I sometimes find myself wanting to do it all and have it all, instantly, which I need to learn to let go of.

Who has helped shape who you are?
My mom has had a huge impact on who I am today – losing her at a young age forced me to grow up somewhat quickly. She has always been, and will continue to be, a constant strength within me.

What is the most important part of a romantic relationship?
This is also a tough question, being single and all. I think fun, respect, and continuously challenging and motivating each other are key aspects. I guess the most important part of a successful relationship comes down to compatibility.

What are three things you are grateful for today?
All the people in my life, my dog, and my home.

What book should I read and why?
Looking over to my bookshelf, I’m with the Band is one that I’d like to re-read, and with my love for Gord Downie, along with recent news, I’m going to take a look through Coke Machine Glow (that has been sitting there collecting dust for who knows how long …I’m glad I looked).