Kendra and I met in our grade 9 french class. I'm convinced she can become friends with anybody. She's fun, witty, outgoing, and an all around positive person to be around. We became close friends throughout high school and to this day she remains one of my closest people. Though we're often on opposite sides of the world, nothing feels any different when we're together- stuffing our faces with sushi or pizza, or having life talks and uncontrollable laughter with our girlfriends over a bottle of wine. Sometimes she makes my day by posting good songs or uglycute animals on my Facebook. She comes from a wonderful family who have been gracious hosts to many infamous Johnson Keggers :) She's someone who makes me realize how lucky I am to be blessed with such amazing people in my life.
Where are you from and where are you now?
I am from Canada (born in Fredricton), moved across various parts of Canada but mainly raised in Barrie, ON. Currently living in Toronto, ON and have been for almost two years now.
What goals are you working towards and what keeps you motivated?
Currently working towards learning as much as I can about everything! I know that is very vague…but I welcome the opportunity to learn about anything and everything. Currently, becoming versed in all areas of Hospitality – whether it is how to formulate a menu to what all buttons on the POS of a restaurant do. A lot of things motivate me! I think the people that I interact with day-in and day-out motivate me the most. Whether it’s a colleague, a friend or my family, they all keep me wanting to strive to be my very best when I see their best qualities shining right back at me.
What does confidence mean to you?
To me, confidence is the ability to be completely vulnerable, and to be ok with it. You may not be a super model, rocket scientist or professional athlete, but if you can put yourself out there and try doing the things you want, knowing damn well you might fail…well that is confidence.
Where does your confidence come from?
My confidence comes from my friends and family. It comes from self-accomplishment, taking each hurdle that scares me one leg at a time. But my parents have always told me that I can do anything I want to (cliché, I know), but they were right…they never said I would be good at doing anything I want to, just that I could! When I feel my confidence slipping, I talk to my closest friends. I consider them to be some of the most confident and REAL people that I have ever met.
What do you love about yourself?
a) Mentally?
I think I love my wit the most – I got that from my Dad. Wit can be used in so many different situations from connecting with a new person to diffusing an awkward situation. Quick wit and a good sense of humor will win me over any day.
a) Mentally?
I think I love my wit the most – I got that from my Dad. Wit can be used in so many different situations from connecting with a new person to diffusing an awkward situation. Quick wit and a good sense of humor will win me over any day.
b) Physically?
I love my skin. The fact that I tan very quickly is a bonus, but it also tells me everything I need to know about myself. Whether I’m stressed, dehydrated or relaxed. My skin lets me know what I need to do to ensure I am staying healthy.
c) Emotionally?
Kenny had a bit of a tough time filling this one in, so I'm doing it for her (with permission!) Kendra is full of empathy. She's a great person to talk to and though she may not know it, she has a way with words. She is understanding, compassionate, and in my opinion she really feels for other people.
What is one of your greatest accomplishments?
Living on my own with a dog…this may sound like a silly accomplishment, but living on my own has given me such a great sense of independence and having a fur baby to care for on my own has definitely increased my responsibilities! Buying my first small toolbox …and using it was a pretty good feeling.
Do you find you compare yourself to others often?
Every day…at least three times.
I’m working on not taking things so personally. Especially in my industry, I learned very quickly that sometimes people have bad days, and sometimes you get to hear about it…but it might not be directed at you.
What always makes you feel better?
A long walk home with some Sam Cooke (or Ja Rule depending on my mood) and then cuddles with my dog.
Is there anything about yourself- mentally, physically, or emotionally that you would like to improve?
Oh, there’s a lot! Always looking to improve, but no one is perfect. Definitely working on my patience. That is not a quality that I possess…yet…
What is one of your insecurities?
My feet. It’s a bit of predicament because I don’t like showing my feet, but I can’t stand socks.
How do you deal with jealousy?
I normally make jokes about it. The 90:10 rule – all jokes are 90% truthful and 10% false…it’s true.
Do you feel pressured by societal norms for your life to turn out a certain way?
You mean being single at 25 years old and not owning a home or making six figures? Yea, I guess you can say it crosses my mind every so often.
Who has helped shape who you are?
My parents - hands down. They’re the best people I know and while we argue sometimes, I couldn’t choose two better role models to shape who to be (or at times who not to be).
What is the most important part of a romantic relationship?
Conversation and humour. If you can’t communicate or laugh then you’re going to have a pretty boring and lonely relationship.
What are three things you are grateful for today?
My relationships, my dog and the opportunities that I have been given over the past few years that have led me to where I am now.
What book should I read and why?
Mind, Set, Go – Deborah Johnson (Shameless plug ;)), but in all honesty – one of my favourite books has to be A House In The Sky by Amanda Lindhour & Sara Corbett. It shows the true dangers of traveling, but also shows the hope, strength and perseverance that one person can demonstrate.
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