Saturday, 16 July 2016

Natasha Genevieve R.

Natasha and I met the summer after grade 11 while working as Ontario Junior Rangers in Northern Ontario (Quetico Park). I knew she was one of my people immediately, and she quickly became a campbestfriend. Natala is one with nature and an incredible artist. For the majority of our friendship we have lived too far away from each other, but there was a short period of time when she was in Oakville and I was in Toronto (about 30 mins apart). It was magical. Nat's someone I can always count on to be there; I feel like I can talk to her about absolutely anything without judgments, and she always has words of wisdom and honesty. She's so positive and happy, beautiful and talented, and just has something about her that draws you in. I don't think I have enough good things to say about her. Girl crush? Maybe.
After you read this (or before), you should really check out Natasha's website. My absolute favourite collection of hers is this one; It's so adorable.

Where are you from and where are you now?
I'm from Northern Ontario and now I live in Calgary, Alberta with my dorky significant other and two crazy cats.

What goals are you working towards and what keeps you motivated?
Right now I’m working on two major goals. The first is a new body of artwork that I can present to galleries and hopefully land my first solo exhibition. My second goal is I’m thinking about going back to school to pair my Art degree with a professional degree. I just need to figure out what that professional degree will be. Going back to school at 25 is very different than when you were 17. The meal plan just isn’t as important anymore.

What does confidence mean to you?
I think confidence means being true to who you are and trying to hold onto to that authenticity. It’s a fine balance between allowing yourself to boast about what you know you can do and knowing where you need to improve.

Where does your confidence come from?
My confidence comes from my family, mostly. I’ve always had all the support I needed. My family always trusted my decisions, but were never afraid to give me their opinions. I learned how to take chances and constructive criticism. Because I always knew I had family backing me up, I’ve been able to put myself in a lot of unfamiliar situations where I learned a lot about myself. I think in order to remain confident you need to embrace change and have new experiences; you can’t become stagnant.

What do you love about yourself?
          a) Mentally?
I’m a daydreamer. I know others hate it when I space out haha. But this is when I get my best ideas and where my creativity comes from.
        b) Physically?
I look really good in hats, which is a blessing because my hair never cooperates.

        c) Emotionally?
I’m very emotional. I can’t watch anything too violent and whenever I see the lost dog signs at my bus stop, it makes me really depressed all day. I always hear, “You’re an artist, you’re suppose to be emotional” But being emotional hasn't allowed me to be ‘good at art’. Being emotional has allowed me to sympathize easily with others, to be open minded and a good listener.

What is one of your greatest accomplishments?
I backpacked Europe with my best friend. It was a dream of ours for many years. I worked two jobs during my last year of University and every single weekend just to afford it.

Do you find you compare yourself to others often?
Every time I go on Facebook aha. Mostly I see people travelling and I think, “WHEN AM I GONNA GO SOMEWHERE NEXT?” Then I get my student loan bill in the mail.

What is something in your life that you have had to overcome, or that you are working to overcome?
I’ve been pretty blessed my whole life. I’m not ignorant to the fact that I am a white female from a healthy and happy middle-class family. But as an artist I’m trying to overcome this idea that whatever project I'm working on is never good enough. I need to be sure in the work that I’m making and just allow myself to create.

What always makes you feel better?
A good cup of tea.

Is there anything about yourself- mentally, physically, or emotionally that you would like to improve?
I’m trying to be more patient. Not with people so much, but more with the things I want out of life. I need to give myself time to make art, to pay off loans, to travel. Sometimes we want everything now now now that we forget to work hard for it. All we see is what we’re NOT doing, instead of what we ARE doing.

What is one of your insecurities?
Where do I start?? My skin hasn’t gotten the memo that I’m 25 and shouldn’t have break outs like a 16 year old girl. That’s a big one. Hats don’t cover your face unfortunately.

How do you deal with jealousy?
I run. Any kind of exercise makes my jealousy go away. It clears my head and the endorphins released make me feel confident again (That’s not a scientific fact that’s just how I feel).

Do you feel pressured by societal norms for your life to turn out a certain way?
100% I do. Any time you open any kind of social media there’s some kind of quote image that’s telling you how to think or be. You can’t shut it out, you just need to learn to think independently and critically.

Who has helped shape who you are?
My mom. She’s always been tough love on me and never let me complain about the silly things. I think my entire life I was brought up on, “Natasha you know there are people in the world who don’t have this..” She always put things in perspective for me when I can’t see it myself.

What is the most important part of a romantic relationship?
COMMUNICATION!! Have the hard talks. Laughter is also key.

What are three things you are grateful for today?
Apart from the usual my health and my family? I’m pretty thankful that my significant other has allowed me turn 75% of our tiny apartment into an art studio. I’m also thankful for google maps because I can’t get anywhere without it. I mean I guess if we didn’t have that technology I’d be better at navigating with a real map but let’s be honest, have you ever tried folding one of those things??

What book should I read and why?
Harry Potter! Because it's incredible that such a youthful and magical and intricate story  came from somebody's head! You see the characters grow and develop, then you become attached to them and have to remind yourself that they're fictional. It'll make you laugh and cry. Harry Potter, always.

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