Saturday 25 June 2016

Samantha W.

Sam and I became good friends in grade 9. Though we don't necessarily talk often, and we see each other maybe once a year, nothing feels any different when we are together. Sam comes from an incredible family who has done so much for me; we have created so many memories together. When you meet her family it's easy to see where her positive outlook on life and confidence come from. We went through this inseparable phase in grade 11 and had so many school night sleepovers (which was a big deal). Not to mention the summers I worked for JWPM and we had a ridiculous amount of fun with our other two friends. I have always admired Sam's bubbly personality and contagious laugh, and feel so lucky to have her and her family in my life. 

Where are you from and where are you now? 
I grew up in Midhurst/Horseshoe area and currently reside in Barrie, Ontario (I love it here!).

What goals are you working towards and what keeps you motivated? 
Current goals I am working towards are; building my career and continuing to learn, living a healthier overall lifestyle, and being happy. 
Talking about my goals with those close to me keeps me motivated. I also have little ways of reminding myself to continue with these goals, and I like to envision end results to keep me on track.

What does confidence mean to you? 
I find confidence to be a very positive and attractive quality, but a humble confidence... not arrogant. To me confidence means being comfortable in your own skin and happy with your life. It means not comparing yourself to others and not measuring your happiness or success based on someone else. It is a reflection of your own goals, happiness and values. 

Where does your confidence come from? 
A big part of why I feel I can be confident is attributed to how I was brought up. For me, my parents were incredibly supportive growing up, and they are amazing role models. Their confidence in me to be successful however I wished gave me the confidence to do just that. I find confidence in what makes me happy and surrounding myself with people who love me and support who I am. 
If I am striving to improve something for myself, and experience a small or big success, then I feel confident.

What do you love about yourself?
a) Mentally? 
My practicality and ability to weigh all options in situations of conflict. 
My optimism in life.  
b) Physically?
My body's ability to be athletic and strong when I work at it.

c) Emotionally?
Stability & Strength: Whatever emotion I am feeling, I am able to direct it appropriately and be strong for those who can't.

What is one of your greatest accomplishments?
This is hard..... the word "greatest" is putting pressure on me!
I'm proud to have the job I do... I'm happy and I feel fortunate to have started my career at the age of 23 and continue to learn.

Do you find you compare yourself to others often?
I can definitely think of times when I am comparing aspects of myself to someone else. I find though, it is usually to people I know opposed to "celebrities" or people in the public eye. I tend to compare myself to those I know who are similar in age to me, or close friends of mine because it is a more realistic possibility for me to obtain what they have, or 'look' like them, etc. 
Then I come back down to earth and realize everyone is different and unique in their own way and think about my own positives, and what I would 'wish for' if I was on the outside looking into my own life!

What is something in your life that you have had to overcome, or that you are working to overcome?
This is more of an inner attribute of mine that I am always working at to improve or 'overcome'. I find I can be a little too "practical" at times, thinking just with my head and not with my heart. I like to deal with things without emotion first, to be sure I am outweighing the pros and cons. 
I know that isn't always the best way, and it can hurt my relationships when I do it, so I always try to be more open and use emotion when I do certain things.

What always makes you feel better?
Being with my family - it is one of my comfort zones... and doing something active with my dogs!

Is there anything about yourself- mentally, physically, or emotionally that you would like to improve? 
I would like to improve my overall physical health and well being... I want to be more flexible. Also I'm always trying to be more open with those close to me.

What is one of your insecurities?
Being young in my career and not having the same credentials/knowledge as the more established, senior people in the field.

How do you deal with jealousy? 
I don't find I am a very jealous person, I think it always ends up coming off negative. If I do find myself being jealous, or jealousy is being projected onto me, I just try to make it into a positive. I also think about why jealousy could have been brought on and address it.

Do you feel pressured by societal norms for your life to turn out a certain way?
More often than not, yes! I find society starting to be more open about defining "success", or what needs to be accomplished by a certain age. Still, it can expected of someone my age to be moved out of your parents' home, finishing school/starting your career, getting married, buying a house, and planning for the future. Wow - overwhelming! It isn't the same for my generation, so I try to focus on myself and succeed in what I want to do and get to where I want to be in life.

Who has helped shape who you are? 
My mom and dad, brothers, and a couple close friends. They have all rubbed off on me and helped to mold who I am today.

What is the most important part of a romantic relationship?
Trust and laughter (Fun)! Every one ages/changes... and life throws you curve balls, but I believe if you can fully trust your significant other, and find the happiness and laughter in any moment, you may just make it!

What are three things you are grateful for today? 
The security of my job at the age of 25!
The relationship/closeness I have with my family!
The succulent sitting on my desk!! I won it, it is beautiful and I LOVE plants haha!
(I know this says three things.... but I am actually so grateful for some of my close friends that I know will be in my life forever!)

What book should I read and why?

I haven't read a full book in what feels like forever (shame). But I would recommend some exciting type of fiction novel... because life can be so serious, and reading should be fun! :)

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